Sam's Network of Love and Light

All my stirring becomes quiet around me like circles on water - Wendell Berry

Back to Boston


Well, it’s been just over a month since surgery and Sam was recovering very slowly out east but has hit a bit of a bump in the road. Earlier this week she started feeling a bit off and had a low grade fever. She went in to the hospital to get checked out and her white blood cell count is  a bit high so they have admitted her again for testing and observation. So far they don’t have a conclusive source for the infection but it may end up being an early infection in the space previously occupied by her right lung. It seems like they have caught it early but we don’t know for sure. Hopefully some antibiotics will do the job. Her spirits are obviously a bit down because of this. Thankfully her good friends Heather and Maggie from Montreal will be heading there this week to be with her. Alison and I will head out there as well if we feel like she needs the extra support. Right now I am planning on flying out on the 20th. If Sam is healthy enough to travel and the doctors there are ok with it, Alison may go out early next week and just bring her home so she can recover here. It will all depend on how Sam feels. If the recovery from this lapse is quick I still may end up going to spend some time with her in Cape Cod before bringing her home at the end of the month. Again, nothing is definite at this point. We should know more in the next couple of days.


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