Post Op Day 5
Moving right along. Sam moved to the step down unit Sunday and has now graduated to full diet, no catheter, no epidural. There are still waves of aches and pains from the incision sites radiating to her shoulders but it seems to be managable on oral pain killers. Rumour has it she may get discharged tomorrow!
With Alison’s hair salon skills Sam and her were able to rig a seat in the shower and get Sam’s hair washed this morning. Big news if you’ve been in a hospital bed for 6 days! She’s walking around without the IV pole and no walker. Unfortunately Alison had to head off a little while ago to get back home to the kids. More unfortunately I also have to leave in about an hour. Care has now been passed on to Sam’s auntie Philipa (arrived from upstate New York yesterday) and her cousin Emma who lives close by.
Updates should soon start coming from the patient herself.
Off to the airport for me.
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