ICU Day 3
It is still morning but we are in post op day 2, ICU day 3. Nasogastric tube came out this morning! As long as Sam doesnt get too nauseated it will stay out. For now, still no food until her guts start moving again. They had her stand and slowly walk around the unit. Only one lap but its progress. They also just took out her central line which is just a really big IV in her neck. All good things.
One of the chest tubes also came out this morning. Shen still has another one on the other side.
We are left with 2 IV’s, an epidural, and the catheter. ( I forgot to mention the arterial line in her wrist came out last night. It was supposed to stay in a bit longer but it got plugged and they pulled it early. Just Sam’s body saying “get me the F@#& outta here!).
Sam still feels heavy in the chest. She’ still on oxygen and needs to cough a bit more to clear out her airway. It will come. She’s sleeping for now but may go for another mini walk later. With any luck we can move to the step-down unit tomorrow.
So far so good.
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